Negative النفى

هناك عدة حالات لتحويل الجملة الى النفى :-

ÿ اولا فى حالة وجود فعل مساعد : نضع 'not' بعد الفعل المساعد.
Ex: She is here.
  She is not here.
ÿ ثانيا فى حالة عدم وجود فعل مساعد :-

D اذا جاء الفعل المضارع بدون 's' نستخدم
Do not + المصدر
Ex: They play football.
  They don't play football.
D اذا جاء الفعل المضارع منتهى بـ 's' نستخدم
Does not + المصدر
Ex: He plays football.
  He doesn't play football.
D اما اذا جاء الفعل فى الماضى نستخدم
Did not +المصدر
Ex: He played football.
  He didn't play football.

B اذا جاء فعل 'have' فعل رئيسى فى الجملة بمعنى يملك، يعامل معاملة الفعل العادى.
Ex: He has a car.
  He doesn't have a car.
Ex: They have a car.
  They don't have a car.
Ex: He had a car.
  He didn't have a car.

B اذا جاء فعل 'do' فعل رئيسى بمعنى يفعل، يعامل معاملة الفعل العادى.
Ex: He does his duty.
  He doesn't do his duty.
Ex: They do their duties.
  They don't do their duties.
Ex: He did his duty.
  He didn't do his duty.
 ÿثالثا هناك حالات شاذة تحول كالاتى :-
1-    Some No / Not any.
a)     He gave me some money.
He didn't give me any money.
He gave me no money.
b)    There is something in the desk.
There is no thing in the desk.
There isn't any thing in the desk.
c)     There is somebody (someone) in the room.
There is nobody (no one) in the room.
There isn't anybody (anyone) in the room.
d)    He went somewhere.
He went no where.
He didn't go anywhere.

2-  Sometimes / some day / always / Often Never.
a)     He sometimes plays in the street.
He never plays in the street.
b)    He always comes late.
He never comes late.

3-  Both.....and / Either......or Neither ......nor.
a)     Both the girl and her sister go to school.
Neither the girl nor her sister goes to school.
b)    He is either a teacher or a doctor.
He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.

4-  All Not all / None of
Every Not every / No
Each Not each / No
a)     All pupils are clever.
Not all pupils are clever.
None of pupils is (are) clever.
b)    Every pupil is clever.
Not every pupil is clever.
No pupil is clever.

5-  Everybody No body.
Everyone No one
Each one Not anyone
    Ex: Everybody came.
      No body came.

6-  Also / Too Not ...either.
Ex: He helped his brother, also (too).
  He didn't help his brother, either.

7-  And Or (اذا كان الفعلين لفاعل واحد)  
Ex: He answered the exercise and gave it to the teacher.
  He didn't answer the exercise or give it to the teacher.
 تبقى 'and' كماهى فى حالة وجود فاعلين
Ex: He played football and his brother went to cinema.
  He didn't play football and his brother didn't go to cinema.

8-  And so And neither / And nor / Not either
Ex: He sold his car and so his friend.
  He didn't sell his car and neither did his friend.
  He didn't sell his car and his friend didn't either.

9-  Just / Already / Recently Not yet.
Ex: He has already written his homework.
  He hasn't written his homework yet.
He hasn't yet written his homework.

10- Not as (so)
Ex: She is as beautiful as her sister.
  She is not as (so) beautiful as her sister.

11- فعل الامر
Ex: Write your name on the paper.
  Don't write your name on the paper.

12- Must الزام Needn't عدم الزام
Ex: He must take a taxi to arrive in time.
  He needn't take a taxi to arrive in time.
13- Must be استنتاج Can't be
Ex: He works for a long time, he must be tired.
  He doesn't work for a long time, he can't be tired.

14- A lot of Many اذا كان بعدها عدد
      A lot of Much اذا كان بعدها كمية او شئ معنوى
a) He has got a lot of books.
He hasn't got many books.
b) He has got a lot of money.
He hasn't got much money.
c)     He has got a lot of freedom.
He hasn't got much freedom.

& Exercise:-
@ Choose the correct answer from these in brackets:-
1-    An engineer knows about machines but teachers (doesn't / don't / aren't / are).
2-    Neither of your answers (is / was / were / had) correct yesterday.
3-    He (doesn't / didn't / hadn't / won't) go to school nor did his friend.
4-    He didn't buy a car (also / either / neither / not any).
5-    (No / None / Not / No one) of these medicines has done me much good.

@ Change in to negative:-
1-    Both Samy and Ramy are late.
2-    We saw somebody there.
3-    Pay attention to what he says.
4-    He as clever as his brother.
5-    He went to the club and played tennis.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

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